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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

Simi Valley Montessori school program standards are high, and they were intentionally developed to be so in accordance with the time-proven Montessori Method. Whether you decide to enroll your child in preschool, daycare or any other one of our wonderful programs, there are a few things you can definitely rely on. Our successes are grounded in the flexible routine which we fit to your child so that they can adapt themselves to the ever-changing world around them via the joys of unhindered learning at their own pace.


We have individualized Montessori curriculum programs ready for each one of our students, and as a result of the personalized, tailored attention, those students are typically far ahead of the curve. Children routinely complete work and tasks on an average 1 to 2 grades above their age level, and this no coincidence, since all our teachers are Montessori certified. Our motivated staff knows the value of an education that fosters personal care and love, so we all strive to deliver both without fail.


Simi Valley Montessori school program standards also include one of the lowest student/teacher ratios in the Simi Valley area. In the short term, this helps us deliver the educational benefits your children deserve on a regular basis without needing to stop teaching in order to gain control over students. In the long run, your child will benefit from the sense of self-value they get from having high academic achievements that they can track and be responsible for, even at a young age. Simi Valley Montessori program standards deliver the best learning experience your child could have while they're learning how to become a functional part of the environment around them.

The student to teacher ratio in our Simi Valley Montessori school focuses the adult attention on the individual child rather than a group teaching environment. Each child sets their goals and works towards an end result according to their grade level. There is no group learning time where your child may be bored, or confused about the information being presented. Using the tool of educational assistants, the child gets more positive attention than in a traditional classroom. These are also professional adults who understand the concept of Montessori learning.


It is a given fact that students in Simi Valley Montessori schools show higher academic success rates when given the opportunity to work on their own agenda. Rather than stifling the child’s excitement for a particular subject, the Montessori education allows your child to learn as much as they want on a particular subject. Similar to adults deciding on their college major, your child will be allowed to follow their hearts, and learn about the subjects that interest them instead of spending time waiting for others to catch up to them.


Simi Valley Montessori schools are known for their personal care and loving attention paid to each and every student. The family feeling is evident in the group focused atmosphere. The certified teachers complete higher education courses focused on the Montessori philosophy, and they bring that knowledge to the classroom. They give their hearts to each child in order to promote the most loving atmosphere. Your child will flourish under the guidance of these professionals.

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